For all women, including in the postnatal time (starting from 6 months post-birth).
No previous experience necessary.
As a woman, with all the roles you play, there is the need to focus on you and to choose you. As rich and busy as life can be, you can easily feel that you disappear into it, if you don't prioritise your self at least sometimes.
These classes are for your total health and well-being. They are physical vitality, mental and emotional clarity & balance and for spiritual connection & richness.
Each class of these 7 weeks consists of a talk in the beginning, sharing some essential aspect of the very rich teachings for women in Kundalini Yoga. We will then practice a kriya (exercise set), relaxation and meditation to explore and work on the class theme.
Topics include:
woman as the hub and the pivot; a new vision of your self; Eka Mai and Adi Shakti (primal, feminine originating power); lunar woman; pitfalls of a woman; self confirmation of grace; the 6 track mind; intuitive woman; infinity & abundance; relax into radiance
Mondays 7.15 to 8.45pm at Yoga on Harris in Palmyra
7 weeks from 20th July to 31st August
$140 for the full 7 weeks
Booking & Payment options:
Book & pay by transfer or cash on the first day.
Bank account details JS Hergo Thanos BSB 016484 Acct 585533602
Book and pay using Paypal.