Can you remember a time when you felt fully alive, dynamic, harmonious and vibrantly creative? Or can you imagine yourself in this state? How does it feel?
Join me for a weekly session of Kundalini Yoga enriched with the wisdom of the language of numbers through Karam Kriya to embody yourself more fully and wholly.
Yoga on Harris, 15 Harris St Palmyra
4th June to July 2nd - 5 weeks
5 classes $80. Casual class $22
We sometimes talk of the need to find a balance in life, and that is true. But also imbalance is just as much a part of balance and falling off on one side allows us the impetus to correct onto the other side. A dynamic and healthy balance in life creates vitality and charge . Like an ecosystem that thrives on the constant cyclical flow of life, when the dynamic balance is there, the energy created is infinite. We also feel to be part of infinity. And that is a great feeling.
This is different from a yo yo experience of life, where we constantly flip from one expression of a pattern to another, going nowhere but back and forth, or side to side with no advance rather than turning in the right direction.
A brilliant thing about Kundalini Yoga is that it is self selecting and self correcting. Everybody in the one class can feel like it was made just for them and still get very different things out of it. That’s a measure of intelligence moving through each individual and also the group consciousness. Everybody gets just what they need. Imbalances get balanced. Elements get sorted anew. We come closer to dynamic balance and harmony.
Karam Kriya which is the study of numbers as the universal language organically flows into the class where appropriate, mostly in the choice of language to build bridges to experience but also sometimes I share directly a connection made through numbers to enhance and refine understanding and ampllfy experience.
A note on dynamic balance vs yo-yo effect: being human, it is inevitable that sometimes you become aware of being stuck in a loop or an imbalance arises that causes you to truly have to stop and listen. That’s an invitation, actually. If you feel there is something calling your attention and you would appreciate some conscious listening and sometimes gentle, sometimes challenging guidance, perhaps consider making an appointment for a Karam Kriya applied numerology consultation or an individual yoga session, either online or in person with appropriate personal distancing.
You don’t need to have any yoga experience to join the class. The exercises are all doable by all, as modifications are always offered and the effect comes from the energy activation not from perfect form.
Bank account: JS Hergo Thanos BSB 016484 Acct Nr 585533602