Crystallising the Self - a 7 week Kundalini Yoga & Karam Kriya course
Also available in casual classes.
The mind is given to us to know the true Self and yet we get lost in our small selves, our patterns and stories.
Nothing is wrong. This is how it is meant to be. Every pattern and story is ultimately compost for the seed of the true Self.
This 7 week course follows the kundalini yoga teachings on the first 7 of 21 outlined stages of meditation. This first of 3 journeys of 7 stages each is called the Crystallised Self - a journey that moves through upset, boredom, irritation, frustration, focus, absorption and culminates in the crystallisation of the Self. From being lost in self into experiencing Self.
Each stage is a platform for the next, and so in a way necessary. Going through through these stages consciously in meditation gives us ultimately an experience of Self. Also, contemplating these stages in our lives in general gives us a unique window to be able to move through the various stages of any undertaking in life with much greater consciousness and therefore also smoothness. We don't meditate to get better at meditating. We meditate to get better at life.
Each class consists of a talk on the stage at hand, illuminated by the wisdom of numbers through Karam Kriya applied numerology, a kriya (exercise set) or warm up and a meditation for exploring and moving through that stage.
Beginners welcome. no previous experience required.
Thursdays 7 to 8.30pm at Yoga on Harris in Palmyra.
7 weeks from 23rd July to 3rd September.
$140 for the full 7 weeks or by donation for those experiencing financial difficulties.
If you wish to make a donation, please email me to arrange that:
Casual $22.
Booking & Payment options:
Book & pay by transfer or cash on the first day.
Bank account details JS Hergo Thanos BSB 016484 Acct 585533602
2. Book and pay online using Paypal.