Friday 29th June 2018 ~ 7 to 9pm ~ $40/$35 conc. cash at the door ~ PALMYRA YOGA SHALA, 63 McKimmie Rd Palmyra
In this class, we will explore and work on the higher centres and associated glands: what Yogi Bhajan called the holy trinity of Pineal, Hypothalamus and Pituitary. Our attitude or perspective conditions our altitude in life. It determines the angle at which we view ourselves and all around us. Take a higher perspective, zoom out, see everything from a higher altitude and you are free to recognise that every being (you included) and event is all part of an unfathomably vast plan and that all is going according to it. How relaxing and reassuring. The pituitary may be the master gland but the pineal has the master plan......
Your conscious access to this vantage point depends on your glands or is mirrored in your glands. Is the Golden Cord established in you? Does the amrit flow from the inverted lotus of your crown? Do you feel in the full flow of life, trusting and aligned? Would you like to?
Join us for this 2 hour session involving teaching on the theme, Kundalini Yoga kriya and meditation with lots of chanting to invite you into a biochemical, psychological, spiritual process.
Some prior experience with Kundalini Yoga recommended. Contact Jai Ram if you are unsure.
Bring yoga mat, cushion if needed, blanket and water to drink.