Thursdays 7 to 8.30pm from October 11th to December 20th
Yoga on Harris, 15 Harris St Palmyra.
You are a 10 in 1 being. Kundalini Yoga teachings are founded in the understanding that we as human beings have not just the one body, but 10. The physical body which we normally identify as our body, is but one of them: the fifth. In fact, we have 3 bodies which are more subtle and energetic, 3 functional and distinct aspects of mind and the soul and subtle bodies, which are the only ones with which we arrive on this earthly plane.
Experiencing yourself in these aspects, becoming more multi-dimensional in your awareness, understanding the gifts and embracing the challenges of each of these bodies opens up whole new levels of perception and possible self-mastery. Each body has a treasure to discover, including a human virtue to be cultivated, just as there are shadows to each body, and vices or viruses to be overcome.
You are invited to this 10 weeks series of 90 minute classes. Each class involves teachings on one of the 10 bodies, Kundalini Yoga kriya (yoga exercise set) and meditation relating to the themes. No prior experience of Kundalini Yoga is required. Just a readiness to explore and experience your multi-dimensional self.
Bring water to drink. Equipment provided.
Fee: $200 for the 10 weeks. Attendance at all or as many sessions as possible strongly advised.