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Bountiful Woman ~ 8 Aspects of Being Fully Woman

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Introducing a new wave of the teachings and how we experience them with this spring offering ~ a 10 week intensive experience in the court of consciousness around the fountain that is the teachings of Kundalini Yoga for women. This is the first of what may be many of these experiences offered. Ten 2 hour mini-workshops in a safe and nourishing space created and held by Jai Ram and a loving support team. A total self-initiation including homework opportunities, self-reflection and home practice to integrate into your life. In a supportive and empowering community of women. Growth potential galore! Read on...

BOUNTIFUL WOMAN ~ 8 Aspects of Being Fully Woman -

"Woman is a living psyche - organic, vibrating, original. All she has to remember is to live in the consciousness "I am a woman"." Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga

Do you know how powerful and impactful you are as a woman? You are the hub around which life turns and the hips upon which the universe sways. We women have profound potential to positively influence and uplift ourselves, our partners, families, friends, colleagues and communities. The whole world! The paradox is that a woman is already a wow-man – complete and lacking for nothing by nature. So there is nothing to do but relax, feel, breathe and be. AND, being honest about it, there is a very real training to undergo to claim your greatness, cultivate your intuition and empower yourself to be impactful.

Kundalini Yoga teachings and practices for women offer a powerful and comprehensive tool and inspiration to do just that. They are a training modern women need, as we move through these challenging and exciting times. The future is feminine, intuitive feminine (which exists in men as in women) and the Aquarian Age demands that we step up like never before.

What do we need to move through to step into our potential for ourselves, those around us and for the planet? What do YOU need to move through your challenges, to step in and be anchored in this unique impact you have?

In this 10 week course you will be guided through a potent series of experiences and understandings, following the DNA of the Guru Gaitri mantra.. Gobinday Mukanday Udaray Aparay Hariang Kariang Nirnamay Akamay.

Each week during the 2 hour class you will hear Kundalini Yoga wisdom teachings about the themes of one limb of the 8 limbed mantra which represents one limb of 8 female aspects of God. You will be invited to explore the themes raised by self-reflection exercises or small group work and then we will move through a holistic process by practising a kriya (exercise set) and meditation aligned to this theme. Throughout the 10 weeks we will chant the Guru Gaitri mantra so that it becomes like a continuous stream moving through your being, gently but powerfully dissolving blocks to your unique, bountiful, vibratory self. Homework will be offered for the time between classes, as an offering to help you deepen the process. Feedback sharing will be done at the start of each weekly class in small groups.

A guided Facebook private group will also be facilitated for participants, so you can ask questions, explore and share within the community of the group.

We will also offer you the chance to practice a 40 day sadhana – daily home practice – starting within the 10 weeks and culminating towards the end.

Practical Details:

10 weeks of 2 hour workshop-style classes on Monday evenings 7 to 9pm.

Monday 8th October to Monday 10th December. At Palmyra Yoga Shala. 53 McKimmie Rd Palmyra.

The 8 weeks of teachings on the Guru Gaitri mantra (the first 4 and last 4 weeks of the course) are taught by Jai Ram Kaur and are supported by Gill Harrison, Frances Parkhowell and Aimee Revill. From week 4 you are invited to carry the 11 minute chanting of the mantra into your daily life at home, for 40 consecutive days (optional). The 2 weeks in the middle of the programme will be guided by Gill, Frances and Aimee, involving feedback and sharing in the group, yoga and shared practice of the mantra meditation and more.

Cost for the full programme (includes all classes, support outside of class by means of FB group and guidance and inspiration for the homework and the 40 day practice):

Full $360. Concession (with student or health care card) $330.

No experience with Kundalini Yoga or any yoga required.

Bring a notebook and pen and water. Your own mat if you have one (we provide mats also).

We are so looking forward to welcoming you onto the journey with us. Sat Nam.

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