Thursdays 7 to 9pm ~ 4th Feb to 1st April ~ Yoga on Harris, Palmyra
& optional 40 day guided sadhana home practice
"jo tho praem khaelan kaa chaao || If you want to play the game of love
sir dhhar thalee galee maeree aao ||then step onto the path with your head in your hand."
If there was any year to do it, it is this year: a year to walk your talk, to affirm and express the command of your soul.
In this course you will be walking in the footsteps of Guru Nanak, who authored the Mul Mantra, root mantra of Kundalini Yoga & Sikh Dharma. Each week on Thursday evenings is a 2 hour class of teaching, discussion, Kundalini Yoga kriya & meditation on each step of the Mul Mantra. The teachings shared are enriched by the wisdom of Karam Kriya Applied Numerology.
For you to have the chance to embody and integrate the teachings more, you will be offered optional homework & also a 40 day home practice.
The course is a wonderful entry into Kundalini Yoga through learning about your 10 spiritual bodies, which are also expressed in the Mul Mantra, as well as a deepening for those with experience already. It's an invitation to all into a life of greater embodiment of truth, walking side by side with the divine.
"eith maarag pair dhhareejai || When you place your feet on this Path,
sir dheejai kaan n keejai ||give your head, and never mind public opinion."
Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak lived in India 1469 to 1539. He travelled widely, accompanied by his Muslim rababi player, mardana, singing his teachings in verse (shabds) and demonstrating his for the times revolutionary understandings through simple, somehow innocent, yet powerful deeds.
The "game of love" he talks of is love for the divine. It is said that love is a pathless land. It is non rational, and yet others who have been there can point the way. It involves a surrender of the head to the heart &, in the language of Kundalini Yoga, standing under to understand, which involves humility. Stand under what?
The Mul Mantra is an extraordinary map of human evolution, naming universal principles and human virtues in their naturally unfolding order. When we see that natural order as higher than the mind, vibrate with & identify with it, it can guide, teach, bless, protect & dignify our steps.
A warning, however, from 15th century Guru Nanak - one that rings just as true today: "Never mind public opinion". When you step on this path, surrendering your head to your soul, your way may depart from the crowd, as Nanak himself did, his actions often flying in the face of the customs of the times in order to challenge them. Walking this way takes courage. But while you may lose something, you gain the priceless jewel of the integrity of your Self.
Mul Mantra
Ek Ong Kar Sat Naam Kartaa Purkh Nirbhau Nirvair Akaal Moort
Ajooni Saibhang Guru Prasaad Jap
Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Haibhee Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such
When: Thursdays 7 to 9pm. 9 weeks 4th February to 1st April, 2021
Where: Yoga on Harris, 15 Harris St Palmyra
Cost: $300 for the full course, including optional guided sadhana participation. See below for full information on the sadhana, which is open to all, including those not attending the course, or attending casually.
Casual attendance $30 per class.
Bring: water, notebook & pen
Booking & Payment: book & pay either cash on the day, by transfer or paypal (with small surcharge)
Enquiries: to Jai Ram 0417 600 751 or send me a message
Bank transfers to JS Hergo Thanos. BSB 016 484 Acct 585533602
TO PAY USING PAYPAL, click below.
Daily Sadhana practice for Game of Love
As part of this journey with the Mul Mantra I invite you to commit to a 40 day daily home practice. Also anyone, also those not on the course or attending casually, is invited to take part in this.
The practice is about 60 minutes long. It consists of the 15 Minute Morning Kriya, relaxation and 11 long slow repetitions of the Mul Mantra - a meditation which belongs to the Stress Backpack set of 6 meditations to deal with stress. When you sign up I will send you a document with the full instructions.
I have chosen this kriya as it is a quick and dynamic awakening of your personal flow of kundalini - the energy of your soul. The long slow Mul Mantra meditation is both a strong medicine for de stressing in times of personal and collective stress and a beautiful, ample, wide opportunity to deeply contemplate the meaning of the mantra, to vibrate it through every cell and to let that vibration that calibrates with your true identity naturally displace any lesser and false identities. ie anything short of the truth of God and me, me and God are one.
We begin Sunday 21st February with a group zoom practice session. This begins at 6am Perth time and concludes approximately 7am. Following this, you are invited to go and get a cup of tea and then return to ask any questions or simply share or listen in the group, closing the session at 7.30am.
Following that day 1 group practice (which is optional to attend) you continue daily on your own at home until day 40 on 1st April. It is recommended to keep a journal while doing the practice, to help you process and digest the experience and to mature and expand your consciousness.
Wednesday mornings at regular weekly Aquarian Sadhana practice 5am to 7.45am is a chance you have to practice the kriya and meditation together in a group. Currently we do this on the beach at Leighton and may move indoors as the season and the sadhana progresses and the weather changes.
Beyond this, we will discuss in the group what the wish is in regards to occasions of group practice on zoom throughout the 40 days in relation to my and others’ resources and come to an agreement.
Weekly classes of Game of Love will continue with teachings and different meditations and kriyas to explore the themes as they unfold through the Mul Mantra ie. we won’t do the sadhana practice in class.
The ideal time to practice is early morning, yet fit it into your day as fits your rhythm. The best is to practice at the same time each day, as this helps reprogramme the nervous system and creates an alternative rhythm and sense of harmony.
If you sign up to practice with the group you will be included in a group email in which I will give inspiration and input as I am inspired to and in which everyone is invited to ask any questions and to share. This is an open space for all.
Registration and payment:
Those wishing to attend who are not part of the course, or who are attending casually, I ask that you give a donation to be part of the sadhana. Recommended donation is $60, but give what you can. Check the box as to how you would like to make this donation - whether cash or transfer.
Bank transfers to JS Hergo Thanos. BSB 016 484 Acct 585533602. Thankyou.
If you have any questions at all, get in touch by emailing me