4 Thursdays - 25th November, 2nd, 9th and 16th December
@Yoga on the Ridge, Winthrop (address given upon registration)
$80 for all 4. $22 casual (space permitting)
All humans have the innate capacity to both give and receive healing. In Kundalini Yoga, we have a mantra that is the ultimate healing medicine - Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung. Sun Moon Earth Infinity, Totality of Infinity, That I am, vibrating and real. It separates and names the elements of your inner cosmos and recombines them into a higher order and harmony. It goes out to infinity and then folds that back in, to harmonise finite and infinite. That is healing.
At each of these 4 classes you will be guided to practice a Kundalini Yoga kriya to prepare yourself for a healing meditation using the mantra. There are variations of the healing meditation that we will practice, and over the 4 weeks you will be given the opportunity to be both giver and receiver as you practice for yourself, or in a pair or in a circle.
These classes are a beautiful gift to your Self and others as we approach summer solstice, Christmas and the end of the year. The healing energy evoked by the vibration of the mantra can be shared with anyone, near or far. So it is very much in the spirit of giving.
Join for all 4 (recommended) or individual classes, space permitting. $80 for all 4 or $22 single class.
After class we will serve herbal tea for anyone wishing to stay on and relax, ask questions or connect with other members of the group.
"The process of self healing is the privilege of every human being. Self healing is not a miracle, nor is it a question of being able to do something that most people can't. Self healing is a process that occurs through the relationship between the physical and the infinite power of the soul. It is a contract, a union - that is the science of Kundalini Yoga." Yogi Bhajan
Bank details: JS Hergo Thanos. BSB 016484 Acct 585533602. Reference: Healing & your name
Adds $1.50 for a 4 week booking and 50c for a casual class.