@HeART of Rest, 22 Gwilliam Drive Walliabup Bibra Lake
4 classes from November 24th to December 15th
$80 for all 4 classes or $22 individual class, space permitting
Kundalini Yoga is full of amazing mantras & chanting is a central part of the practice.
Chanting has the measurable effect of increasing well being, balancing the nervous system & brain & increasing feelings of connection. It is also a way to establish a relationship between the finite you & the Infinite. This relationship itself is incredibly healing.
Each class involves Kundalini Yoga & chanting meditations.
The series is perfect for beginners. And everyone can chant! $80 all 4. $22 individual class, space permitting.
Bank details: JS Hergo Thanos. BSB 016484 Acct 585533602. Reference: Chant & your name
Adds 50c to a casual class & $1.50 for 4 classes.