I offer 60 minute private Kundalini Yoga lessons in my practice rooms (one in Beaconsfield, one in South Fremantle).

While practicing in a group offers great energetic benefits, sometimes there are good reasons for wanting to have one on one lessons. Perhaps you have injuries or physical limitations that require some individual guidance. Perhaps you feel in a place where you need some personalised attention or for whatever reason (eg in the case of imbalance or trauma of some kind) may initially be concerned that a group setting would be overwhelming. Or something else.

Kundalini Yoga is full of practices to help us in these times, with simple yoga exercises, pranayama (conscious breath exercises) and meditations to quickly lower stress, lift the mood, increase health, clear the mind and uplift the spirit. It is a great way to connect with your body and experience it as a safe and pleasurable place to be.

Every body can do Kundalini Yoga. There is no special flexibility or fitness level required. Exercises can always be modified and still be totally effective. There is also no need to believe anything particular for the practices to work.

I will teach you according to your individual needs, which may be anything from just a few sessions to weekly. I may if you are open to it also suggest to you things to do at home.

In the first session we will establish your needs and begin with an introduction to Kundalini Yoga and then in subsequent sessions continue from there.


Initial or individual session 60 minutes - $120.   4 subsequent sessions $400. An additional 4 sessions $380.

Payment is by cash on the day or Transfer. Bank details JS Hergo Thanos BSB 016484 Acct 585533602

Available Session Times & Locations

  • Mondays from 1pm to 4pm - 213a South Street Beaconsfield

  • Thursdays 9am to 5pm - 167 South Terrace South Fremantle

  • Fridays 1pm to 5pm - 213a South Street Beaconsfield