“Give birth to a saint”
Photo by guille pozzi on Unsplash
10 weeks from 4th February to 8th April
Monday evening Kundalini Yoga classes 7 to 9pm and an integrated experience into daily life.
Whether you can bear a child or not, whether you are pregnant or not, whether you are going to have children or not, whether you get married or not, whether you want to be single or not—in your manufacture, your makeup, patience, grit, tolerance and grace are there in you. They have to be in you because you are made to be a mother, a potential mother. Your hormones, your nervous system, your biorhythm and your psyche are made in a very special way. Yogi Bhajan
We begin the 2019 4 Paths of a Woman programme with the first of the 4 Paths - Path of the Mother.
Our aim is to explore and activate deeply the innate gift that every woman is born with: that of being a creative, generating being, a giver of life. Not only are you a giver of life, but you are a blesser of life. As Yogi Bhajan, who brought this tradition of Kundalini Yoga to us, said - “a child without a prayer is like a building without a foundation”.
By prayer we mean your compassion, your love, your highest wishes. When we say : “give birth to a saint”, it means we are calling on the highest potential in ourselves to give the best of what we can give to our children, so that they can reach their own highest potential in love and happiness.
As mothers - women with their own childhood and conditioning, oftentimes the wonder of our children, and of the innocence and wonder that still wants to live within us, is overtaken by worry, tension, overwhelm and other emotions, thoughts and experiences.
This 10 week Path is a golden opportunity to look after yourself in the way you truly need to so as to liberate the experience of yourself as powerfully compassionate. It will help clear your energetic space so that your love, your patience and your ability to listen to and also learn from your children (or child within) are strengthened and deepened. We will be doing a 40 day sadhana (daily home practice) using the shabad (sacred poem or prayer) Pootaa Maataa Kee Asees with a special meditation beforehand to prepare ourselves to receive the power of these words into our hearts. This shabad has the power to elevate you on a cellular level and bring deep healing.
Our power to bless and let all children know they are loved and looked after - our own children, our own inner child and all the children of all the world, including those children who are in trouble and in need - will be called into being.
"The purest thing in the world is the heart of the mother, the heart-chakra, the center of the mother. It is the purest thing in the world. It can move God. It can move the universe. It can cause an effect beyond limitation. The heart of the mother is the greatest power of Infinity ever given to any finite being. There are certain things which can be considered the most superior things: prayer of the mother, prayer of the beloved…, prayer of the self, and prayer of the spiritual teacher. These are four prayers which can alter and change the destiny." Yogi Bhajan
$400 for the full 10 weeks. Student discount $370. (For full time students with student card and Kundalini Yoga teacher training students)
10 weekly 2 hour classes
membership of a closed community Facebook group for sharing and learning
4 Paths of a Woman newsletter
homework exercises and daily life experiments
guidance and mentorship
40 day sadhana (daily home practice) with live facebook videos
missed classes available on video
For those women who really want to join but physically can’t get to classes, we also offer the possibility to join for the Path online, either for the full 4 Paths of a Woman programme for the whole year or by Path.
This includes:
weekly 2 hour classes available via private You Tube channel
membership of a closed community Facebook group for sharing and learning
4 Paths of a Woman newsletter
homework exercises and daily life experiments
guidance and mentorship
40 day sadhanas (daily home practice) with live facebook video
missed classes available on video
$200. Student discount $185 (For full time students with student card and Kundalini Yoga teacher training students.
PATH OF THE MOTHER is Path 1 of the full 2019 4 Paths of a Woman programme. Join us for a whole year of growth and learning! Return to the full 4 Paths of a Mother programme information HERE.