A Mother’s Prayers ~ by Seva Padmani
3rd April 2019
Thankyou to Seva Padmani Kaur, Kundalini Yoga student, trainee teacher and woman of powerful prayer for sharing this intimate story so open-heartedly. It feels like a big gift to be sharing and so I pass it on and share it tenderly here with great honouring. Thankyou also to Bani Shiva Kaur and Eduardo for allowing us to share in and be inspired by your story. Love, Jai Ram
My Mother’s prayer experiences came a long time before I came across the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, however, I had been on a spiritual trail/quest from my early years and I discovered yoga in Perth, Western Australia when I was 17 years, Transcendental Meditation at 21 years, and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later named Osho) at 23 years and travelled to India to live and work in the Ashram in Poona and subsequently in Oregon, USA for many years, and returning to WA when I was 32 yrs.
When I was 34 years and in early pregnancy, I prayed that my small baby in the womb would come into this world with blessings, good health and a good life. I had found the book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” and I was one day meditating with the intention to nurture and bond with this beautiful growing baby. During the meditation I became deeply relaxed and I had a ‘vision’. I perceived a spiritual being near me and in my mind’s eye I saw a Sage-like being in a long white robe who gave me the message ‘I want to come through you, I have a lot to teach you’. I agreed with great gratitude and awe. It was a momentous experience.
Many years later when my daughter was 11 years old we were living in the South West of Western Australia and I was raising my child as a single mother. One night in July 2001 she was sleeping peacefully in her room next to mine and I woke up from my sleep and sat up straight in bed with a strong spontaneous emotion to pray. I prayed with every cell of my being and all the devotion of my heart and soul. I called out as a Mother – on behalf of her beloved child - to the infinite Universe, God, Spirit guides, Angels, Stars, and Heavens above to please hear my call. I also called on my loved ones that were now in Spirit – my Mother, my maternal Grandmother, and my paternal Nanna – to help my prayer be heard and spread across the heavens, and answered with the best outcome for my young daughter throughout her life.
I reached my arms and hands up in prayer towards the heavens and powers that be, the mystical and the mysterious, and with white and golden light and energy I prayed that my child be blessed so that she would walk a different path to mine, and that of her grandmother, and her great grandmother, and any ancestors on my maternal family side who had experienced a lineage of their husband, partner, father leaving their home and child/children. I asked that this lineage would end with me and would no longer be passed on.
I prayed that there be a total transformation to cease the pattern of lineage of the maternal side of my family line and that a different and positive pathway be manifested to forever end the old pattern. I prayed with my heart and soul that this my Mother’s Prayer come into being from that moment in time and space. I prayed that in ‘her future’ my daughter would love and be loved deeply and truly by a partner who was loyal and steadfast and honourable and would never abandon his child or family – as had happened to others before her. And I prayed that the true love and loyalty of her partner would be shown by right actions, rather than only by words that did not come to fruition.
Now 29 years, my beautiful daughter Bani Shiva married her wonderful husband Eduardo 5 years ago. They truly have a ‘heavenly’ relationship and meditate and have a cacao ceremony together each morning. She IS walking a pathway of relationship that is full of love and light and laughter and loyalty. I am so very happy for them both. Bani Shiva often tells me she is so glad I am her Mother and we both know we are so very fortunate to share an amazing and deep love for each other. We now also share our love of Kundalini Yoga together. And Eduardo regularly thanks me for giving birth to Bani Shiva, as he says the love he feels for her has changed his life and made him a better person and brought so much happiness and bliss into both their lives.
With much Love
Seva Padmani