Flyer artwork by Hilda af Klint.
Join me for a journey over 5 weeks that will give you a blueprint for life as your authentic self, your Sat Naam.
Thursdays 6.30 to 8pm - 5 weeks 29th February to 28th March
Purusha House, 18 Holdsworth St Fremantle
Fees: $125 for all 5 classes or $28 casual
Who are we?
We are spirits having a human experience. Each of us has our own customised curriculum, expressing in the conditions, tests and opportunities of our lives. And the ultimate purpose is to wake up to remember that you are a creation of a creator. The light of your soul. A vital, unique and intimate part of the macrocosmic totality. You come with challenges to face and with unique gifts to share. You have a song that only you can sing and when you do you will know you are an echo of the first word and this will be ultimately fulfilling.
We are not sent to earth without the means to fulfill this mission. No. We in fact have everything we need. In this 5 week journey you will come to see that this is the case, as we explore the existence of the 10 spiritual bodies and how they can all serve you in your unknown destiny.
The kriyas (yoga sets) and meditations of Kundalini Yoga also support us massively in this human journey as the postures, movements, breath, focus and mantra all work to bring us into an alignment in which a deep experience naturally arises.
The lessons over the 5 weeks take us on this journey:
telling the universal story of the soul
your personal story - what key beliefs might you be ready and willing to reassess?
anchoring the true self - 1 Soul Body
working with your 3 functional minds to support it - 2 Negative, 3 Positive and 4 Neutral Minds
Nervous system and 5 Physical Body
Bodies beyond the physical - 6 Arcline, 7 Aura and 8 Pranic Bodies
Bodies beyond the physical - 9 Subtle and 10 Radiant Bodies
The crowning experience parallel unisonness 11
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