You are invited to join us for early morning Kundalini Yoga practice, Aquarian Sadhana.
December 26th (Boxing Day) and 1st January (New Year’s Day) from 5am to 7.45am. Free.
At Leighton Beach (north). Park opposite the old traffic bridge and head south. Take the first path down to the beach and look right into the dunes. We are there. There’s a map below.
Sadhana is free. Bring yoga mat/towel, cushion if needed, blanket for relaxation and water. Bring something warm as it can be cold in the morning.
Let me know you’re coming with the form below, or text me on 0417 600 751.
What does Aquarian Sadhana involve?
Our practice starts with the prayer poem Japji, song of the soul, followed by Kundalini Yoga kriya, relaxation and mantra meditation with live music. Following this is the opportunity to receive higher guidance and offer silent prayer.
Sadhana is for all 3 levels of being: animal, human, angel.
Aquarian Sadhana is a complete practice for all the levels of our existence - animal, human and angel. Japji awakens and activates the soul. The Kriya is for the health and vitality of your animal self. Meditation and chanting in the group is for the human level. Prayer is for the angel in you.
Community is the bridge to the divine.
The movement of sadhana is from the We in Me to the Thou in all. I connect with the Me within me. Then as our voices join and we synchronise and harmonise I come into communion with the community - the We in me. Then, together, we receive the Thou in all - the higher divine, God, the most subtle and essential.
Do I need to have done Kundalini Yoga before to attend Sadhana?
No, it’s not necessary. The Kundalini Yoga kriya is led with a minimum of instruction, as this is community practice, not a class, however you will always get the guidance you need to carry out the exercises.
Can I just turn up?
It’s best if you let me know you’re coming if it’s your first time, so I can help you in finding us if needed. After that, still let me know so that, in the case of unforeseen circumstances which may lead to sadhana not going ahead, I can contact you and let you know.
Park opposite the old footbridge.
Head south and turn into the second path heading towards the beach. Look right.