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5 Sutras for the Aquarian Age ~ Kundalini Yoga 5 week series

  • yoga on harris 15 harris street palmyra australia (map)

This series of 5 classes is suitable for all, including beginners. 

5 Thursday evenings 7 to 8.30pm. 17th October to 14th November.

Yoga on Harris, 15 Harris St Palmyra

This 5 weeks series, also suitable for beginners to Kundalini Yoga (or yoga in general) introduces you to the 5 sutras for the Aquarian Age.

A sutra is a short, easy to remember phrase which contains a timeless truth. Yogi Bhajan, master of Kundalini Yoga, gave 5 such sutras for this, the Aquarian Age. Words to live by specifically for these times. Sutra also means thread. With these 5 sutras you have 5 threads to take into your daily life. For every situation you encounter one of these sutras has the remedy! 

What happens in a class?

Each class you will be introduced to 1 of the sutras, giving you the chance to engage with it in its timeless truth.

You will then be guided through a Kundalini Yoga and meditation practice, selected for their relevance to that sutra. 

While each practice has a specific goal the overall effect of it is always more than the sum of its parts. Through the Kriyas (exercise sets) you will work on and balance all the body systems, including the nervous system, which is of central importance to your experience. A sense of mental and emotional harmony and togetherness is created that goes beyond the physical. Through the body, the mind is balanced and stilled, glands and energetic systems are tuned and the way is paved for an opening and and awakening of consciousness. Your personal insight into yourself and life is enhanced.

In total, Kundalini Yoga gives you a direct experience of your authentic self as well as over time strengthening you to maintain this connection for longer.

Begin already by reading the sutras!

5 Sutras for the Aquarian Age - Yogi Bhajan

1- Recognize that the other person is you.

2- There is a way through every block.

3- When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

4- Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.

5- Vibrate the cosmos. The cosmos shall clear the path.


You are invited to stay on after yoga for a 30 minute extension to the theme with Karam Kriya Applied Numerology. This will add $35 to the total fee for the 5 weeks. For more information on this, click here.


FEES: $100 for the full 5 weeks (recommended for full benefit). $22 casual (if full attendance is not possible for you)

Add Karam Kriya Applied Numerology sessions following class: Full series fee $135. Add Karam Kriya to a single class - $29 total per class.

HOW TO BOOK: Please fill in the booking form below.


Direct Transfer - JS Hergo Thanos BSB 016484 Acct Nr 585533602

Cash on the first day.

Paypal - See below booking form.


5 Sutras for the Aquarian Age
from A$22.00